
Development Spotlight: Game Modes

When War Robots: Frontiers is released globally, we plan on having three game modes for players to dive into. Right now, we are focusing on developing and adjusting Beacon Rush, Elimination, and Team Deathmatch. Read on for an overview of their rulesets and the concept behind each mode.

As of the time of publishing, Team Deathmatch is still in development and the final versions of both Team Deathmatch and Elimination will probably look very different at release. Be sure to tell us what you think of these early visions of the two modes so that we can make them even more exciting further down the road!


Beacon Rush offers the purest WRF experience by combining tactics of territory control and almost ceaseless Robot action. You win by filling your territory control bar faster than your opponents by capturing and holding beacons. At the same time, those beacons serve as beachheads for deploying Robots closer to—-or farther away from—-enemy lines.

The ability to deploy on beacons makes team movements less predictable. You rarely know where your opponent will strike next, so situational awareness and constant movement are key to successful play in Beacon Rush. Additionally, having multiple deployment areas to choose from helps you better play to the strengths of your build. Close-range brawlers can dive straight into the action, snipers can start from a safer distance, and fast-moving beacon-runners are always in demand, as they are the ones grabbing the best drop spots for the team. This is a very dynamic game mode where every Robot build can triumph.

To reinforce the dynamic nature of Beacon Rush, victory points are only added when your team holds more beacons than the enemy. There are five beacons on the map, so a brawl over the central one will be expected at the beginning of almost every match. Beacon Rush is no place for stalemates.

Your Titan is your ultimate weapon. To deploy it in Beacon Rush, you need to accumulate Titan Charge by destroying enemy Robots and capturing beacons. Unlike the other two modes, Beacon Rush allows replacing your currently active Robot with a Titan when you stand on an ally-controlled beacon. If you choose to deploy a Titan, your Robot will be transported away and instantly repaired. You can then deploy with that Robot again when and if your Titan goes down.


In Elimination, you focus on destroying enemy Robots. Territory control isn’t essential to this mode. For now, the mode still has beacons that you can capture and use as drop spots, but they do not bring you any victory points. A team wins if it has more Robots than the opposing team when the match ends. A match will end early if all the Robots of one team are destroyed.

The main difference between a classic Team Deathmatch in other shooters and War Robots: Frontiers is that Elimination encourages you to play safe. There’s no need to go on the offensive and rake up kills. Hunt down one or two lightly armored foes, take the lead, and turtle up until the end of the match—this can be a viable tactic. Moreover, when the enemy team realizes they now have fewer robots than you, they will have to take action. Time plays against them and all you need to do is to survive the onslaught. Of course, it will never be that simple. Elimination is a mode with lots of turning points.

You can use your Titan in Elimination, but unlike Beacon Rush, you can only deploy it when your previous Robot is destroyed. There’s no saving a badly damaged Robot in Elimination unless your team brought something for armor repairs.


When Team Deathmatch goes online, it will be the only mode that focuses exclusively on kill count. Your goal is to reach the kill limit faster than your opponent or to have more kills when time is up.

In Team Deathmatch, destroyed Robots simply go on cooldown rather than getting locked until the end of the match. This means that if you play your hand well, you will be able to run two or three same builds for the entire match. It’s a ceaseless string of intense shootouts which will test your aiming and timing skills to the limit.

We are experimenting with different objectives, different match goals, and things like alternating attack and defense modes. We're even looking into destructible fortifications and whatnot—-but that's a conversation for another time. Right now, we are laser-focused on nailing down the very basics of War Robot fighting on a massive scale. Expect more news on that front soon!

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